
Weekly One Takes: Alyssa Pacheco -- April 28, 2021

In today’s Weekly One Takes, Middle School Youth Director Alyssa Pacheco reflects on a year that has looked very different for the young people she leads and their grace and resiliency in leaning into necessary change.

Following last week’s eighth grade confirmation and looking forward to this weekend’s Youth Sunday, Alyssa shares, “I can’t help but be excited for all that they are going to teach us. They’ve taught me so much about my faith and how it’s constantly changing and how we are constantly growing. I know they have so much to teach us all.”

Wrestling with God: Finding Faith

April 13, 2022

Katherine Kerr, senior associate minister of congregational life and pastoral care, concludes our Lenten series, Wrestling with God: Finding Faith. Today, Katherine reflects on Mark 16:6-8 and asks us to think about how we are to follow in the Good News that Mark shared; Christ is risen and that we will not find him among the dead but among the living, where he calls us to follow him.

Wrestling with God: Finding Faith

April 6, 2022

Grace Lindvall, associate minister of education, continues our Lenten series, Wrestling with God: Finding Faith. Today, Grace reflects on the father in Mark 9:17-24, who pleads with Jesus to help his unbelief. Grace shares how we can wrestle with unbelief and, yet, still believe.

Wrestling with God: Finding Faith

March 30, 2022

Bob Henderson, senior minister, continues our Lenten series, Wrestling with God: Finding Faith. Bob shares the story of Job with us. This story teaches us about human life and some of the struggles we have to deal with in life. Living in a spiritual desert, Job keeps faith because he knows that God is with him even though he can't find him. He doubles down and keeps on the path even in difficult times.