
They Considered not the Miracle of the Loaves

he Danger of Missing the Divine Wow-factor

November 29, 2020 • Dr. John Waterloo

• We too often miss what God is doing in our lives!
• God’s Word and God’s House helps us restore our focus

- Be aware and careful of worldly distractions! We can’t stop them, but we can
deal with them. We MUST focus!
- Be aware of the doubts!
- Be aware of the NEED to discipline ourselves to focus on God!

• Our greatest failure is NOT recognizing what God has already done in our lives.
• Our greatest CHALLENGE is maintaining our focus! Never lose sight of our divine mission and responsibility.

The Inside Out

December 13, 2020 • Dr. John Waterloo

* The outside does matter, but it’s not priority one. * The outside can be deceiving. But it is revealing! How to know a person’s heart? 1—Look at their works and behavior; you can’t fake fruit! 2—Listen to their words; out the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.

When Your World Comes Crashing Down

December 9, 2020 • Dr. John Waterloo

* Everything is not always as it seems - God sent an earthquake to convert a soul! * Not every tragedy is tragic - God doesn’t cause evil, but He can use it to bring good! * Sometimes it takes a tragedy to get our attention. * If often takes a sacrifice to turn things around - Paul and Silas sacrificed their freedom in order to be available for the jailer.

Truth or Tradition?

December 6, 2020 • Dr. John Waterloo

* Traditions have their place. God set up many traditions, to cause the people to REMEMBER! * Traditions are not a replacement for true heart-worship of God, i.e., Lip-religion vs. Heart-religion. The Pharisees were so careful to keep laws and traditions, but they had no relationship with God! Outwardly they were religious but inwardly they were wicked and lost. * When traditions supersede God’s commands, there is a big problem… and the problem is with our HEART! When we hear the Word, and do not embrace it and live it, we make it of none effect!