

The Power of Vulnerability

Rev. Matt Miofsky

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Real - Week 4: Practicing Vulnerability

July 4, 2021 • Rev. Matt Fulmer

The Gathering Live // July 4 // Real // Week 4 Vulnerability is often thought of as a weakness. The truth is -- vulnerability is actually a strength -- It is the willingness to be honest about yourself, with yourself. This authenticity is hard, but hopeful. In this series, we will explore what the Bible has to say about vulnerability and the power that comes from being real about our own imperfection.

Real - Week 3: Vulnerability with Others

June 27, 2021 • Rev. Matt Miofsky

Vulnerability is often thought of as a weakness. The truth is -- vulnerability is actually a strength -- It is the willingness to be honest about yourself, with yourself. This authenticity is hard, but hopeful. In this series, we will explore what the Bible has to say about vulnerability and the power that comes from being real about our own imperfection.

Real – Week 2: Confession and Repentance

June 20, 2021 • Rev. Matt Miofsky

Vulnerability is often thought of as a weakness. The truth is -- vulnerability is actually a strength -- It is the willingness to be honest about yourself, with yourself. This authenticity is hard, but hopeful. In this series, we will explore what the Bible has to say about vulnerability and the power that comes from being real about our own imperfection.