
LCC Annual Picnic '24

Church Bonding

August 10, 2024
11:00am - 5:00pm

We will be having our annual church picnic this year at Lake Sammamish Park on Saturday, August 10th. This is an open event for all our members as well as those who are interested in exploring our church and meeting the people.

The purpose our our picnic is for us as a church and body of Jesus Christ to have the opportunity to connect and build stronger Godly friendships. The plan is to gather at the park at 11 AM and spend a day full of fun, food, and fellowship. We will start packing down around 5 PM.

CAUTION: Discovery pass is required as this is a state park. You can buy a 1-day pass (~$11) or 1-year pass (~$30) at the park or you can make that purchase through this link: https://store.discoverpass.wa.gov/

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to David Glavatskiy (253-632-4936) or Andrey Arkhipchuk (206-428-8940).

We look forward to seeing all of you there!