
The Slammed Door

Luke 4:14-30, Phil 2:1-13

December 11, 2022 • Brad Strait

Conversation Starters

╬ When has someone taken time to know you? When have you taken time to get to know someone who was different from you?

╬ How can you respond in gratitude, curiosity, humility, value, and love toward someone who is different from you?

╬ To whom in your life can you practice these responses?

10 Reasons: #4 Unified Message and #5 Archeology

Brad Strait

Conversation Starters ╬ Do you think of the Bible as one great, cohesive message of salvation? Ask the Holy Spirit to draw you into this message, guiding you into all the truth. ╬ How does this unified message of salvation bring you encouragement and comfort?

10 Reasons: #3 Real People Accounts (Eyewitnesses & Women)

April 14, 2024 • Brad Strait

Conversation Starters ╬ Have you ever been called upon to testify to what you have seen, heard, or known to be true? What was that like? Did you wrestle with telling “the whole truth, and nothing but the truth”? ╬ When has your life been changed by an encounter with the Living Word, Jesus Christ? Tell someone these stories and celebrate God’s redemptive life in us.

10 Reasons Why Christians Trust the Bible

April 7, 2024

Conversation Starters ╬ God promised the Israelites, “Never will I leave you, never will I forsake you” (Deut. 31:5, 8; Joshua 1:5; Hebrews 13:5). When have you wondered if God had abandoned you? What story can you tell of how God brought you back to Himself? Today, do you feel abandoned or forsaken or in need of clarity and hope? Tell God the Spirit that you are stuck. Ask Him to lead you into God’s truth. ╬ Do not despise God’s correcting Spirit. A radical openness to receive His Word will lead to life abundant and reconciliation with God and others. What scripture has the Lord used to teach, rebuke, correct or train you? When has your youth been renewed like the eagle’s by His steadfast love, faithfulness, and compassion? Tell stories of your encounter with the God of the Word.