
God is Eternal and the Bible is His Message to All People

Workbook pages 14-20

June 5, 2023 • Jim Pool

God is a communicator and it’s very, very obvious that He wants us to know Him, to know the truth.
As you all know, there are many misconceptions about God.
God is omnipresent. He is everywhere at the same time.
Because God alone existed before everything and everyone else, He is greater than all.
Because God is the only One that was there before all things, only He has the authority to tell us how everything began.

Meta Narrative Context Lesson

June 1, 2023 • Jim Pool

Lesson 1: Introduction

June 4, 2023 • Jim Pool

1. Goals of This Teaching 2. So, just what is the “traditional way” of teaching the Bible? 3. Chronological Teaching vs. Traditional Teaching 4. Christianity is Meant to be a Relationship. 5. Examples of those who didn’t know God

God Created the Angels

June 5, 2023 • Jim Pool

Keeping a right perspective requires us to recognize God is Sovereign and nothing exists without Him and nothing happens without His Will and/or consent. Our challenging circumstances are not the issue, but our view of God is the challenge in our circumstances. We need a bigger view of God.