
2954 “Dallas” Morales Pt 2

Drugs, Family Feud, Forgiveness

After receiving Christ, Dallas goes home. He and his dad fight and his dad again tries to kill him. Dallas goes back to his brother in New Orleans to be discipled. Returning home, he visits his dad, now diseased with diabetes. His dad rejects the gospel but accepts help through a partial foot amputation, hyperbaric oxygen treatment and dialysis. Dallas offers his kidney and the transplant is successful. When his dad keeps drinking, Dallas leaves for seminary, where he marries after graduation. Threatened with a leg amputation, his dad receives Christ; and Dallas and he have a loving relationship until his dad’s death. Dallas is now an evangelist.

2972 Eric West Pt 2

After his salvation Eric smokes pot and struggles with demonic oppression until he repents. He goes to a Christian leadership training ranch in Kansas where he learns humility and trust in the Lord after some conflict with students. Then he goes to Wichita as an urban missionary. He dates Andrea but both waffle about commitment, she as a victim of incest, he because of his gang background and stuttering. They marry but his job losses create marital discord. They separate and he tries counseling. After two years they reconcile and adopt two babies. His stepfather calls to ask forgiveness

2971 Eric West Pt 1

Until age six Eric is raised by his grandmother. He is molested several times, then his mother and stepfather take him to Watts in L.A. where he goes to Bible Clubs. He stutters badly, is ridiculed and bullied so he forms a gang, then joins the Crips at 13. He defies his abusive stepfather who leaves home. Eric’s mother drinks too much. He meets his real father and goes back to Arkansas several times. He drops out of school. Many deaths on the streets and in the family leave Eric with fear and he seeks his Bible teacher who leads him to Christ as the first part ends.

2970 Kevin Noles

Kevin repeats a prayer at age nine and thinks he is saved but grows cold to God. As a teenager he starts drinking. A bad accident nearly kills him but he doesn’t repent. He starts using drugs, including cocaine and Meth. He lives with Debbie and they have a son that he neglects. He’s arrested and spends 7 months in jail. His parents pray for him, but he ruins his father’s business. Released, he starts going to church but keeps using drugs. He becomes a trucker. At revival in church he finally receives Christ and he and Debbie marry. Now in ministry at church.