
Potluck Lunch & Egg Hunt

Click to Sign Up

April 2, 2023
11:30am - 1:30pm

We invite you to stay with us after worship on Palm Sunday, April 2 for potluck lunch. We'll provide ham and we are asking everyone else to bring a side to share. We have a sign up for the rest of the items below. We'll have lunch in the worship center (the building farthest from the road) and our friends from Green Cove Springs FUMC will come over to join us. After lunch, we'll move outside so be be sure you're dressed for it. The adult get to hide the eggs making it an "all age" egg event. There will also be a variety of yard games for everyone of all ages as well. This event is rain or shine. If it rains, we'll hide the eggs inside the worship center. ***We will have a waterslide and other water activities, so don’t forget your bathing suits!***