
The Mysterious Kingdom

September 15, 2019 • Dr. Willy Rice

Advance the Kingdom

October 20, 2019 • Dr. Willy Rice

What does it mean that we are to continually pray for the Kingdom to come on earth as it is in heaven? We’ve been learning about the realities of the kingdom of God over the last several weeks. We know that the kingdom of God is wherever the king reigns. You can’t necessarily see it, or touch it, or measure it, but it’s there. It’s where the King (Jesus) reigns in the hearts and minds of His followers. We are members of His kingdom. We’re supposed to pray different, because we are supposed to long for something bigger than this world; to live for a bigger purpose, for a great king.

What Faithfulness Looks Like

October 13, 2019 • Dr. Willy Rice

We all long to hear "Well done good and faithful servant." But what does faithfulness to God's kingdom really look like? How do we know if we will ever hear those words?

Finding the Real Treasure

October 6, 2019 • Dr. Willy Rice

The news of the kingdom must be shared. We don’t wait for people to discover it by accident, we bring the message of the gospel, like seeds planted, and we find that some will find it even though they don’t know they are looking for it, and some are waiting for answers to questions they are already asking. The kingdom deserves our extravagant obedience. We aren’t giving money away, we are investing it in something of infinitely greater value, the kingdom of God.