
Love and Speak Boldly

40 Days with the Holy Spirit Week 7

July 17, 2022 • Julie Kyker • Acts 28

Obstacles are part of life. There is no place in Scripture we are promised a pain free life. In fact, Jesus said, “Here on are earth you will have trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world” (John 16:33). Yet, we can know peace in the middle of hardship; it is found in Christ, not in the things of this world. An obstacle in your path is not the enemy. The obstacle is actually an op- portunity for God to grow you. Think about a big oak tree: it is the heat, cold, rain, wind, and even ground resistance that cause the roots to go deep and grow strong enough to sustain the trees height; insuring longevity and fruitfulness for many years. I once asked a man from Beirut about the ‘cedars of Lebanon’—his face brightened and with a beautiful accent said, “Oh yes, for every meter in height, there are five meters of deep roots beneath the ground. Ah, that is why the cedar is so strong and tall, so beautiful!”
Imagine the obstacles early believers faced when Rome began to persecute Chris- tians. It is difficult to comprehend the courage they had – the resolve to proclaim allegiance to Christ alone – as they faced certain death. But they did.

Indifference to Obedience

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Timidity to Courageousness

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Anxiety to Peace

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