
Day 3: Hearing God's Voice

ALL IN: 21 Days of Prayer & Fasting

January 10 - 28, 2024

Scripture: God is the one who enables you both to want and to actually live out God's good purposes. —Philippians 2:13 Devotional: Some believe that the spirit in us is one that is counter to our own desires. It seems that sacrificing what we want, for the sake of the “gospel” is a Christian trend. Though I believe there is some sacrifice one must do to follow Jesus, most of the things we need to give up are things we have picked up, as we’ve traveled in a systemically wicked world. If we listen to the God within, I think that we will find that our will coincides with Gods in more ways than we understand. Remember, your innate being is being brought forth, more and more as you surrender to the innate beauty of the Divine. We are Made in God's image; we have more God in us than we give ourselves credit for. Exercise your discernment. I invite us deeper into ourselves. I encourage positive thoughts and an awakening of brilliance, inside of you. Philippians 4:8 — Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Prayer/Reflection: Name the beautiful thing that makes you, you! Use these things as a mantra, use the attribute and follow it up with, “Made in God's image” Example: I am Beautiful, MADE IN GOD'S IMAGE! Repetition is important as we train our minds to think highly of ourselves. Repeat throughout your day, the beautiful things about you, even the things that you've not always thought were beautiful. Center yourself in what is eclectic, unique about you! Don't forget to mention that you are made in God's image. Please know that the voice of God isn't as far away from yours as you think. Hear God speaking through you, about you!