
VBS 2023- Online registration closed

E-mail us for registration help!

June 28, 8:30am - June 30, 2023 1:00pm

Hey parents! It's the final days before VBS! Our online registration is now closed. If you are still wanting to enroll your child, please email us at kids@southcoastchurch.org. Our VBS this Summer is called Mission: Deep Sea! A detailed email will be sent, to the people who have registered, one week before the event. In session 1 we will discuss what happened when Moses and the Israelites got to the Red Sea. Here is the Big Idea: People can help my faith grow. In session 2 we will examine the salvation story and what Jesus did for us. Here is the Big Idea: My faith grows deeper when I spend time with God. In session 3 we will close with Jonah and the message he told the people of Nineveh. Here is the Big Idea: My faith grows deeper when I share my story. When: June 28th-30th Time: 8:30am- 1:00pm (Snack and lunch will be provided) Cost: $45 Age: K-6th