
He is Risen! - Easter Lesson

Soul Restoration - Week 7

April 18, 2022 • Julie Kyker • Hebrews 9, Psalm 78

The level of congruity across the pages of God’s Word is astounding. Christ is on every page of Scripture. Everything points to Christ, indeed all history. In Psalm 78, Asaph recounts Israel’s history—how God rescued His people from slavery and provided for them every step of the way in the wilderness. But also, how in re- sponse, the descendants of Jacob forgot God’s mighty miracles and His faithful provision. They refused to believe God and did not “trust Him to care for them... Oh, how often they rebelled against Him in the wilderness and grieved His heart in that dry wasteland. Again and again they tested God’s patience and provoked the Holy One of Israel. They did not remember His power and how He rescued them from their enemies” (Psalm 78:22b, 40-42). How is it we so often miss God’s per- sonal presence in our midst?

Indifference to Obedience

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Timidity to Courageousness

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Anxiety to Peace

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