
A Song In the Night

Silverdale Baptist Church

April 5, 2020 • Tony / Travis / Randy

We are to give thanksgiving to God for His steadfast love and His great deliverance in our lives.

Three Days

April 12, 2020 • Pastor Tony Walliser

We all have days pain, confusion and hopefully joy. God is the God of ALL our days. If you want to respond to what you have heard, here is a way to do that: If you accepted Jesus as your savior, text 1 to 84576. If you renewed your commitment to Christ, text 2 to 84576. If you want to continue to the conversation, text 3 to 84576.

Reversing Your Anxiety

March 29, 2020 • Pastor Tony Walliser

When we find our joy in God, we will find a peace that passes understanding.

Lord Over Storms

March 22, 2020 • Pastor Tony Walliser

When facing difficulties, we must remember that Jesus is in control and working in our trials to make us more like Him.