
Holy Thursday in Three Movements

with Kingstowne, Rising Hope & Wesley UMC

March 28, 2024
6:30 - 8:00pm

The Church is always better when we're together. Join the Kingstowne Communion, Rising Hope Mission Church, and Wesley United Methodist Church (at Wesley UMC) for a collaborative, Holy Thursday worship experience from 6:30-8pm, with music, message, and prayer, in three movements: MOVEMENT 1: CELEBRATION Gathering at the table with friends (Passover Feast) | Baked potato bar & table fellowship* MOVEMENT 2: COMMANDMENT Redefining the meal & making Jesus the feast (The Lord's Table & Holy Communion) MOVEMENT 3: BETRAYAL Reflecting on Jesus' passion for us unto death and our tendency to forsake communion with God (Jesus' Arrest, Mocking, Crucifixion & Death) *An offering will be collected and all gifts given to the ministry of Rising Hope.