
Ashes-to-Go at La Madeleine

7am-1pm with coffee on us!

February 14, 2024
7:00am - 1:00pm

We take ashes to the coffee shop as a reminder of our common brokenness and our common need for humility, healing, and God's grace, meeting us not just in worship but in our every day lives in community. Come receive ashes and participate in a brief prayer, children's Ash Wednesday activity, and Ash Wednesday-Valentine making in the private room at La Madeleine Kingstowne; and enjoy a warm beverage on us! Stay and socialize after or just drop in on your way to or from work/school. Pastor Michelle will be administering ashes from 7am to 1pm. If you miss receiving ashes at La Madeleine's, join us for our 6:30pm Meal and 7:30pm Ash Wednesday collaborative worship service at Hope United Church of Christ later in the evening.