
Women's Retreat

Rejoice in Hope

April 26 - 27, 2024

The North Cincy Women's Ministry Team invites you to join us for a night-away April 26th -27th for the Rejoice in Hope Retreat at the Higher Ground Retreat Center in West Harrison, Indiana. We look forward to hearing from our guest speaker, Jill Champagne, as we take a deeper dive into Romans 12:12 and what it looks like to Rejoice in Hope, Be Patient in Tribulation and Constant in Prayer. We will enjoy teaching, worship, reflection and fellowship! Our time together will kick-off with check-in from 4pm-5pm Friday evening at the motel lodge with dinner to follow. On Saturday our program will end at 2pm. For our overnight stay, we have a block of rooms at the motel lodge on site providing the option for single occupancy ($112) or grab a friend for a double-bed room and a registration discount ($93.75). If you can only make it on Saturday, there is an option to register for one-day attendance ($41). We look forward to seeing you there!