
Stirs Up Truth

40 Days with the Holy Spirit Week 4

June 26, 2022 • Julie Kyker • Acts 17

Any good company knows that in order for a business to be successful, it must offer folks what they need. A business that goes the distance, survives tough competition and lean times, is one that operates with integrity with employees working as a team to provide a service or product that matches the real needs of everyday people. In the church, exponential growth is preceded by a genuine love for the community; befriending people just where they are. Then, a simple focus on healing a hurt and meeting a need. Every person has needs. And our deepest need, whether or not we acknowledge it is to be loved, forgiven and freed from the eternal debt of sin. As Christ-followers, God has always wanted to teach us how to love, forgive, and release our neighbor of debt (see Deuteronomy 15:1). The apostle Paul preached a message of forgiveness – one that he knew first- hand. He preached that Christ alone “canceled the record of the charges against us and took it away by nailing it to the cross” (Colossians 2:14).

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