
Plastic Jesus Part 4 Job Description

October 30, 2022 • Jason Ewart

Before he died, Jesus gave his followers a simple job description. Their job is to do what he did. And what Jesus did was take the lowest position of service in order to serve them. That’s the degree to which we are to love one another. Pastors have a job description as well. It’s to prepare God’s people to serve. In this episode, we will learn that a Plastic Jesus might let you have a consumer “me first” version of Christianity. But you’ll never have the real Jesus without serving others, just like he served us.

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Plastic Jesus Part 1 All or Nothing

October 9, 2022 • Jason Ewart

Most people want a Jesus who serves us. He forgives some sins, he gives blessings. He pats us on the head and sends us back out when we’re feeling down. But real Jesus doesn’t work that way. Real Jesus isn’t here to serve you. Instead, he was clear in his teachings that if we are going to have anything to do with him, it comes on the terms of full surrender and following him, even though it costs us everything.

Plastic Jesus Part 2 Money Problems

October 16, 2022 • Jason Ewart

When you think of your financial situation, is it accompanied by feelings of peace and gratitude, or by feelings of worry and stress? If it’s the latter, then you have money problems. We assume that money problems are caused by scarcity. That’s not always true. The fact is that our biggest money problems are caused by mastery. Instead of following Jesus and mastering our money, we allow money to become our master. And money is a cruel master. In this message we’ll learn how to turn the tables on your finances so that Jesus can be your master, and money can become your servant.

Plastic Jesus Part 3 Love Your Enemies

October 23, 2022 • Zach Thwaits

How are we to respond to people who hurt us? bad guys? Are Christians supposed to take it and allow them to keep hurting us? Is that what Jesus meant when he taught us to turn the other cheek? No, in today's episode we are going to know what it means to "love your enemies"