
Sunday Night Fellowship with Robert Cunningham

The Image of God: Theology of the Body

April 21, 2024
5:00 - 7:30pm

In our culture, there are many thoughts and opinions about sexuality. Even in the church, there is often confusion about God's design of sexuality. Join us Sunday, April 21st for Sunday Night Fellowship, where our guest speaker, Robert Cunningham, will unpack from scripture God's design for sexuality in his seminar "The Image of God: Theology of the Body"

We highly recommend parents accompany their teenagers to these talks as some of the content will be sensitive and require parental guidance in processing that information. It is up to parents to decide if their children are ready to take part in this seminar; while none of the language or content will be crass, it will be direct.

Session 1 | Revelation: We will explore the beautiful revelation of God's design for sexuality.

Session 2 | Redirection: We will explore the sinful redirection of God's design for sexuality.

Session 3 | Resurrection: We will explore the hopeful resurrection of God's design for sexuality.

Robert Cunningham is the founder and director of Christ for Kentucky. Robert is the former Senior Pastor of Tates Creek Presbyterian Church, where he served for seventeen years. He is a graduate of Covenant Theological Seminary and a current Ph.D. candidate at the University of Leicester, researching the role of religion in America's founding era. He has been a regular contributor for the Lexington Herald-Leader, the religion and culture commentator for Kentucky Sports Radio, and currently contributes a syndicated column published in nine newspapers across the state of Kentucky. His writings and work have also been featured in Christianity Today, WORLD Magazine, and the New York Times. Robert and his wife, Abby, have four sons—Holt, Charlie, Owen, and Henry. He is a native Kentuckian and Christ for Kentucky was born out of an undying love for his home.