
On Location: Ephesus

May 15, 2022 • Dr. Chris Foster

Sometimes we can get so busy doing the work of the Lord that we forget the Lord of the work, that was the case for the church in Ephesus. Dr. Foster traveled to Ephesus to help us gain a full understanding of what Jesus was saying in His letter to the church of Ephesus and what Jesus is saying to us today. Journey with us to the other side of the globe as we encounter the Christ of Revelation.

On Location: Laodecia

July 10, 2022 • Dr. Chris Foster

Today we wrap up our On Location Series looking at Jesus' letter to the church of Laodecia. Take time to see the challenge that Christ gives to his church, and see what the response should be when we find ourselves lukewarm.

On Location: Philadelphia

June 26, 2022 • Dr. Chris Foster

Have you ever felt small and insignificant? The church in Philadelphia could relate yet Jesus called them a faithful and overcoming church. In Jesus' letter through the hand of John who was a political prisoner in the petrified penitentiary of Patmos, Jesus gives an incredible promise that you are going to want to know. Additionally Jesus talks about the great tribulation. Find out where you will be if you are a believer in the days of the great tribulation as Dr. Foster takes us once again on location to the Seven Churches of Revelation.

On Location: Sardis

June 12, 2022 • Dr. Chris Foster

Jesus still causes dead things to live. Such was the case for the church in Sardis. A few weeks ago Dr. Foster traveled to the ancient city of Sardis with an archeologist and historians to bring back to us the most complete understanding of the political, social, economic, historical, and spiritual context of each of the seven churches of Revelation. Journey with us today through time, and through the pages of the Bible to encounter the Christ of Revelation.