
5-Cents-A-Meal Offering

2nd Sunday of the Month

August 13, 2023

Every 2nd Sunday of the month, we collect for our 5-Cents-A-Meal offering. Here's how it works: Worshipers come forward during the first song/hymn and place your 5-cents offerings in the baskets located next to the Communion table. This offering is part of the Centsability offering of the PCUSA. Money collected is sent to Presbytery, combined with offerings from other churches in the Presbytery, and used to fund hunger programs. One program is the Malawi Street Kids program, providing nutrition for kids who live on the streets in Zomba, Malawi, Africa, and attend the CCAP school in the city. Presbytery sends a portion back to SACPC, who administers the program, along with a group from our partner church, Chuluchosema CCAP, outside of Zomba, and a local board of directors in Zomba.