
01. Imago Dei: Made in His Image

“Every human being—rich and poor, black and white, old and young, big and small, able and disabled—

January 8, 2017

Application Questions

1. Every human being is made in the image of God. How should that change the way you treat the people you work with, socialize with, and live with?
2. When we take God out of the equation, what reasons are there to treat all people with dignity? What do you think would happen in a society that wants dignity for all but doesn't ground it in the image of God? How do you see that at work in our society?
3. What would a church community that reflects the image of God look like in Los Angeles? How can you participate in that at Cornerstone?
4. Think of some people you find it difficult to treat with dignity and worth (it could be individuals, people who disagree with you, etc.). How does the gospel lead you to treat them with deep and genuine respect? How can you put that into practice?

More from Imago Dei

02. Imago Dei: Race and Ethnicity

January 15, 2017

Application Questions 1. How does God's promise to Abraham in Genesis 12 tell us about God's ultimate plan of redemption for all peoples? How is this reflected in Revelation 7:9? 2. What is the difference between race and ethnicity, and why is it so important? 3. How in your life can you stop being a wall to other ethnicities, and function as a bridge?

03. Imago Dei: The Unborn

January 23, 2017

Application Questions 1. How have you tended to be pro-baby or pro-woman in the past in exclusion of the other? 2. How can we love and communicate God's grace to those who have had abortions in the past? 3. How can we as a church community serve and love prenatal children and their parents in ways that empower parents to know that they aren't stuck and that they have realistic choices other than abortion? 4. What are practical ways that you can sacrifice and set your own life and desires aside for the blessing and support of prenatal children and their parents?

04. Imago Dei: Orphans

January 30, 2017

Application Questions 1. Why is it important to understand the reality of orphans in our city? Why do you think it is easy to forget? What can you do to help yourself remember? 2. Why should a Christian identify with orphans and value them? Do you see that at work in your own life? 3. Everyone is called to do something to care for orphans. What are some of the ways that you can care for orphans as a part of Cornerstone? What next steps will you take?