
Good Friday with Kingstowne

Virtual Worship + In-Person Stations of the Cross

March 29, 2024

Holy Thursday concludes with Jesus' arrest, after this day of eating, teaching, praying with Jesus and hanging on his every word while still so unaware of all that is ahead. But Good Friday is wholly different. From that point on, on Good Friday, we are on this journey toward death and darkness, where also God's goodness is on display like never before and the lengths and depths of God's passion for us unto death leaves us suspended in this posture of solemn confession, reflection and silence. Join the Kingstowne Communion this Good Friday for two meaningful opportunities to engage and reflect on the Good Friday story (one virtual and one in-person): - Good Friday Worship (virtual, anytime, all day on demand on all our media platforms) - Public Stations of the Cross (in-person, self-guided, drop-in anytime 10am-8pm at the Franconia Government Center)