
Easter Breakfast & Service

March 31, 2024
8:30 - 11:00am

Join us for a FREE Easter breakfast from 8:30-9:30am, and stay to celebrate the risen Savior with us at the 10:00am worship service. Invite your neighbors and friends! Children's Ministry will be available during the service for birth through 4 years old. Grab a business card invitation from the church lobby to use to invite your friends and neighbors! Help Needed: If you are interested in helping with the Easter breakfast, sign up below or at the Connection Hub. We need the following help: - Breakfast Prep: Saturday, March 30th, 9am - Noon -Serving Breakfast: Sunday, March 31st, 7:30am - 9:30am -Tear Down/Clean Up: Sunday, March 31st, 9:30am