
Thrive: Men's Gathering

Making a Difference

November 4, 2023
8:30am - 12:00pm

Thrive is happening on November 4! Join us from for this half-day event of learning and connections with the men of Emmanuel. We will start the day with breakfast, enjoy some worship together, learn from our keynote speaker Colin Plett, and have breakout sessions to end the morning. There is no cost to the event, but you are welcome to make a donation at the door when you come. If you can't come for the whole event, that's ok! Sign up, and come for what you can. We would love to have you! Here is the schedule for the day: 8:30 am - Breakfast 9:30 am - Worship with Michael Sommerville Dueck and Learning from Colin Plett 10:30 am - Coffee Break 10:45 am - Breakout Sessions with Terry Kaufmann, Tom Peters and Allen Penner 11:45 am - Head home!