
How to handle anxiety

Philippians 4:5-9

April 5, 2020 • Dr Zack Eswine

How Do We Grow In a More Resilient Faith?

November 22, 2020 • Dr Zack Eswine

We continue to be in a place where our current times are heavy, with the continuation of the pandemic, political uncertainty and division and our normal everyday struggles. This Sunday we ask the question, "How do we grow in a more resilient faith?" We look to Proverbs 24:16 and other passages from the Bible to hear what God has to say to us and help us during difficult times.

How do you find rest when there isn't any?

August 23, 2020 • Dr Zack Eswine

There are many reasons right now where our normal means of finding rest or dealing with our anxieties are not working. Pastor Zack asks the question: How do we find rest when there isn't any? He opens the Bible to Matthew 11:28-30 and we listen and learn from Jesus to find rest in Him.

Why should I feel good when everything around me is so bad?

August 9, 2020 • Sean Boone

There are many things that can cause us discouragement especially in troubling times such as these. Listen in as we welcome Pastor Boone from Woke Bridge Community Church as we ask this question: "Why should I feel good when everything around me is so bad?". Pastor Boone will open the Bible to 1 Samuel 30:1-6 to help us ask this question.