
One Proof of God: Jesus

Why God?

Eric Lyons

Humans cannot give sight to the blind or raise the dead. If ever such a person existed, his life would logically testify to the existence of a supernatural Being. Indeed, the life and works of Jesus testify to the existence of God.

More from Why God?

If God Exists Why Do People Suffer

Eric Lyons

Can a loving God and suffering exist at the same time? Does the presence of suffering prove that God is either not all-powerful or not all good? Or, does the existence of suffering demand the existence of goodness? Join Eric Lyons as he discusses these questions and more on the existence of God and suffering.

4 Reasons to Believe in God

Eric Lyons

Either God exists or He doesn’t. There is no middle ground. Consider four logical lines of powerful evidence that clearly testify on behalf of the existence of a supernatural Creator.

Where Did God Come From?

Eric Lyons

If God supposedly created everything, then who made God? Isn’t this a real dilemma for Christians? Join Eric Lyons as he logically and succinctly responds to this frequently asked question.