
St. Patrick's Day Palms & Egg Hunt

+ light lunch after worship

March 17, 2024
10:00am - 12:00pm

This St. Patrick's Day, join us for celebratory Sunday of worship, including: - PALMS: (early) palms & palm-waving - KIDS PERFORMANCE: a special children's palm performance during worship - LUNCH: St. Patrick's Day lunch for all after worship, provided and supporting Provision Church - EGG HUNT: annual Kingstowne kids egg hunt right after worship, organized into sections with staggered starts for kids 0-6th grade Yes, this is scheduled the week BEFORE Palm Sunday and the start of Holy Week, intentionally to add a bit of extra celebration amidst the Sundays of Lent and to include those families who will traveling during Spring Break the following Sunday. Palm-Passion Sunday will be observed with palms, as usual, on Sunday, March 24. Registration for the egg hunt is FREE and REQUESTED to help us know how many and what ages of kids for which to prepare eggs. This event is also DAY 2 of our Neighborhood Holy Week(end), which you can learn more about and register for DAY 1 by clicking the link below.