
Basics of Christian Living

Basics of Christian Living

March 20, 7:00pm - May 1, 2024 9:00pm

Basics of Christian Living will will consist of 8 weeks of teaching that is completely online starting March 19th and end on May 7th. This module will consist of two parts. The self-study section which will be completed using Goggle Classroom. This section will consist of reading and videos that you will need to complete assignments for. All assignments will be due the Tuesday before our live meetings.  The other section will be held live thru online video chat called ZOOM. This section of the class will be held on Tuesday evenings from 7:00 -8:30 where a time of face to face teaching will happen followed by various practicums, activations and impartations. Each student is responsible to purchase the required reading materials. The Basics in 21 Days by Benjamin & Micah Joy Williams