
Episode 306: The Diet of the Wise with Brett McCracken

June 4, 2021

This week, Tyler sits down with author/editor/film critic Brett McCracken to talk about how we feed our souls in a post-truth world. At the center of the conversation is Brett's newest book, "The Wisdom Pyramid," in which Brett tells us why wisdom is so rare in today's digital age, and how we can reorient our lives to gain wisdom.

Follow Brett's work at https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/
Buy the book: https://www.amazon.com/Wisdom-Pyramid-Feeding-Post-Truth-World/dp/1433569590


448. The Veil Was Torn, The Earth Shook and Others Were Raised From The Dead?

May 3, 2024

Ben and Tyler reflected on the A29 conference they were just at. They also answered a listener's question on Matthew 27. Why does it seem like preachers gloss over the fact that there were others raised from the dead during the death of Jesus Christ?  CONTACT US: mailto:podcast@tobethechurch.com http://facebook.com/tobethechurch http://twitter.com/tobethechurch http://instagram.com/tobethechurch http://youtube.com/tobethechurch

447. Churches And Their Sunday Song Selection

April 19, 2024

Andrew and Tyler talk music in the church! Why would a church choose to sing certain songs, and are certain genres or styles better than others? Tyler breaks down NGC's philosophy and more in today's episode.  CONTACT US: mailto:podcast@tobethechurch.com http://facebook.com/tobethechurch http://twitter.com/tobethechurch http://instagram.com/tobethechurch http://youtube.com/tobethechurch

446. Once You Are Saved, Do You Have To Keep Being Saved?

April 12, 2024

If you are saved by grace, why are you still being saved? This week, the guys discussed the idea of being saved from the Northwest Gospel Church mission statement.  Contact Us At: http://tobethechurch.com http://youtube.com/tobethechurch http://instagram.com/tobethechurch http://facebook.com/tobethechurch